Building resiliency using a comprehensive, integrated approach is the fundamental goal of the Folium, Inc.
Resiliency is the attribute, the concept, the process that epitomizes and operationalizes the strengths perspective. Resiliency combines the interaction of two conditions:
Stressful life events or adverse environmental conditions that increase the vulnerability of individuals
Personal, familial, and community factors that buffer, moderate, and protect against those in vulnerabilities
Predominance of protective factors enable sustained competent functioning even in the presence of major life stressors. One’s level of resiliency varies over the lifetime; it is an attribute that varies based on combination of factors present at a point in time. Adversity is additive over time and decreases likelihood of resiliency.
Building resiliency using a comprehensive, integrated approach is the fundamental goal of the Folium, Inc. Our capacity to successfully operate in our environment is at its best when resilience-building conditions exist in our lives. Resiliency for individuals comes through establishing order, stability, and confidence in a positive, nurturing environment. Services focus on building one’s capability to cope with adversity. Interventions are designed to build upon strengths and assets and improve relationships.